Sleep Apnoea

How SomnoMed® oral appliances treat sleep apnoea?

Snoring and sleep apnoea can be caused by the airway at the back of your throat narrowing while you sleep.
Oral appliances, like our SomnoDent® Avant™, move your jaw and tongue forward while you sleep to open up your airway and treat your sleep apnoea.

Working in partnership with Dr Himanshu Singh a Respiratory/Sleep Disorders Consultant based in the North West.
For complex sleep apnoea Consultation email

sleep apnea Somnomed

sleep apnoea symptoms

Symptoms of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA)

  • Daytime sleepiness or fatigue
  • Snoring
  • Gastric reflux
  • Problems with sex
  • Restlessness during sleep
  • Morning headaches
  • Obesity
  • Dry mouth or sore throat when you wake up
  • Trouble concentrating, forgetfulness, depression, or irritability
  • Waking up suddenly and feeling like you are gasping or choking

What are the effects of sleep apnoea if left untreated?

Sleep apnoea consequences can be significant. When left untreated, sleep apnoea can lead
to several physical issues and diseases, as well as major health complications, including:

sleep apnoea consequences

  • High blood pressure
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Stroke
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • High cholesterol
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Lack of daytime alertness

You are also 7 times more likely to have a fatal car accident if driving while tired.

Why should I get my oral sleep device custom made by a dentist?

Sometimes, your doctor may recommend an off the shelf oral appliance. These are commonly called “boil
and bite” devices, as you put them in boiling water to make the plastic soft, and then bite into them to mould
them to your teeth. However, clinical studies have shown that oral appliances that are custom made for your
mouth and teeth are superior to boil and bite devices. See below a summary of clinical studies.

On average, custom made devices reduce apnoea events by 23% more for mild sleep apnoea sufferers when compared to boil and bite devices. Therefore, a custom made device is more likely to be effective in reducing apnoea events.
On average, custom made devices reduce apnoea events by 23% more for mild sleep apnoea sufferers when compared to boil and bite devices. Therefore, a custom made device is more likely to be effective in reducing apnoea events.
On average, custom made devices reduce apnoea events by 23% more for mild sleep apnoea sufferers when compared to boil and bite devices. Therefore, a custom made device is more likely to be effective in reducing apnoea events.
On average, custom made devices reduce apnoea events by 23% more for mild sleep apnoea sufferers when compared to boil and bite devices. Therefore, a custom made device is more likely to be effective in reducing apnoea events.


While you are sleeping, snoring can occur
when the soft tissues of your tongue and
neck relax, narrowing your airway.

When the airway gets narrowed, and then
you try to breathe in, it makes the soft tissue
in your throat vibrate, and the noise it makes
is snoring.

Snoring is more likely if you sleep on your
back and with your mouth open.

sleep aponea snoring

Leading the world in oral appliance treatment for sleep apnoea

SomnoMed® is the world’s largest supplier of oral sleep apnoea
devices, operating in 28 countries. Since 2004, we’ve helped more
than 625,000 patients have a comfortable night’s sleep while
effectively treating their sleep apnoea. We’ll make your device to the
same medical device quality standards that are used for
pacemakers to make sure your device is comfortable for your first
night – and every night’s sleep.


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